Meet the Authors
Steven and Chutisa Bowman are global business advisors, authors and speakers who have spent the past 30+ years working with many top society changing companies and entrepreneurs of our time.
The2Bowmans have devoted their career to inspiring people to challenge today’s certainties and consciously create a future of their choosing.
They are recognised worldwide as Pragmatic Futurists and “thought leaders” on:
Benevolent Capitalism and Benevolence@Work
Conscious Leadership for sustainable futures
Prosperity Consciousness and Business of Wealth Creation
Strategic Awareness and business transformation.
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The lack of money in many people’s lives is due to the way they view money and resources.
Money is an acknowledgment of how you are willing to generate your life in this reality. It is a reflection of your choices.
Become aware that most of us buy into the lies and limitations of scarcity.
Each of us has the ability to function from Prosperity Consciousness. It is a knowable and attainable state of being.
If you are experiencing a limitation or difficulty in your life around anything such as money, there must be some kind of limitation and restriction in your mindset and points of view.
Most people misidentify and misapply that prosperity consciousness is something that they seek and look for outside of themselves. In truth, it is a state of beingness that comes from within.
Financially savvy people have capacity to tap into limitless possibilities and endless resources of ideas.
When you choose to be a conscious leader of your own life, you become the source and the catalyst that can create the reality and the future you would actually like to have.
Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment and with no fixed points of view.
The joy of being and living is the criteria for having everything in your life that you desire.
Being a conscious leader of your life is being aware and choosing to live in the world as the greatness you truly are.
In the Media
~ Power couple share Fortune 500 principles with startups, small businesses, entrepreneur and couplepreneur ~
“A lot of people go into business thinking a great idea is all it will take to succeed, without educating themselves around form and structure,” Chutisa Bowman says. “They don’t equip themselves early enough with the right knowledge or mindset to make it a huge success. Asking the right questions from the get go can help.”
Running businesses from start to success is what married couple Steve and Chutisa Bowman do. As co-creators of seven profitable businesses spanning fashion, jewellery, education, conscious leadership consulting and real estate, this power couple have also spent decades consulting to Fortune 500 companies across the USA and top Australian companies and organisations.
Now the Bowman’s are supporting startup owners to have what it takes to grow big and do it fast. One strategy they recommend is asking the right questions from the beginning.