"Are you the source for creating the life you desire?" Being a conscious leader of your life is being aware and choosing to live in the world as the greatness you truly are. This is not about making yourself superior to others. It's about the awareness of who you truly are.
Benevolent Capitalism is meant to create an entirely new system for businesses whose approach and strategy rests upon the following: - functioning from generating a sustainable future, - doing NO damage, - maximizing the possibilities instead of just maximizing revenue, - empowerment and benevolent leadership.
Be open and willing to receive everything with gratitude and without judgment. Please recognize that whatever you can't receive becomes a limitation. Whenever you are unwilling to receive any energy, you contract your zone of awareness and begin to function from separation, judgment, expectation, projection, and rejection.
Expand Your Consciousness around Money Your consciousness sets up the foundation for the way you create your life. Your state of "Being" is the way you perceive and feel about yourself at any point in time. If you live from a place of Prosperity Consciousness and no judgment, you have freedom and you can receive unlimited wealth.
Ultimate freedom lies in the awareness that a point of view is not right or wrong, good or bad. It's just an interesting point of view. For more information about No More Business as Usual and to find the next event around the world: