You have a choice in your life. You can create your life on autopilot mode, or you can choose to become a conscious leader of your life.
If you choose to live on autopilot mode, you will not be able to see beyond current realities or perceive other possibilities. You will not be aware of the choices and possibilities that are available to you. You will be the effect of life, not the creator of different possibilities.
Who you choose to be is who you will be! When you choose to be a conscious leader of your own life, you become the source and the catalyst that can create the reality and the future you would actually like to have. From this space, it is possible to create anything.
“Different possibilities can exist. Anything can be different if you are willing to choose it. ”
Every moment you can choose to live on autopilot mode or choose to be a conscious leader of your life. When you choose to function from autopilot mode, you cut yourself off from your own awareness and from the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Why would you want to live in a way that automatically limits what is available to you?