Are you the conscious leader of your life? Are you living your life by your reality or somebody else’s?
Being a conscious leader of your life is being aware and choosing to live in the world as the greatness you truly are. This is not about making yourself superior to others. It's about the awareness of who you truly are.
Being 'the greatness of you' is about right here, right now. It occurs in the moment you choose to be all that is possible. When you are willing to embody and be the greatness you truly are, you are willing to create a life that goes beyond the limitations of what the rest of the world thinks is important.
“Every day, ask for the greatness of you to show up.”
You are the source for creating the life you desire. But you have to be willing to be the conscious leader of your life. All it takes is for you to choose to embody and be the greatness of you.
It is about the willingness to know what is true for you—and to be that—whether anybody else goes for it or not. It’s awareness that you are going where you have to go, not thinking or expecting that other people need to go where you go.
The fact of the matter is you can only create the life you desire to the degree that you are willing to be a conscious leader of your life.