Don't Chase The Money

Chasing money is what keeps us from experiencing the ongoing natural state of abundance. The need to chase after money is not a reflection of how things really are: it’s a scarcity point of view we create. It’s the place we function from when we tell ourselves: “I don’t have enough. I never have enough. No matter what happens, I will never have enough.”

When we chase money, we cut ourselves off from the infinite possibilities that are available to us. Please don't chase the money, let money chase you!

When you are chasing money you are operating within the limitations of this reality. You reject what you could have. You function with far less power, ability, joy, fun and money than you could have.

If you think that you have to work hard in order to have money and you don't have a sense of ease with it, then you will constantly create that hard work and lack of ease as your reality. Don’t chase the money, chase the dream and money will follow!

How to Generate Wealth Beyond Your Job

Generating wealth beyond your current job never crosses the minds of most people. They are focused on looking for the right job that will provide them just enough money to survive short term with steady paychecks, and never ask ‘What else is possible?’

How about you? An income from your current job, no matter how large and substantial, doesn't necessarily equate to wealth. If you are not financially aware and if you don’t know what you can do with the money you have, you will never become truly wealthy.


Do you believe you have what it takes to be wealthy?

Your current financial reality is the reflection of your points of view about wealth, money and finance.

For example, if you believe that you have to work hard in order to have money and you don’t have a sense of ease with having money, then you will constantly create that as your life. In truth, when you allow yourself to be bound to your current job (whether it be salaried, stay at home, self-employed or any other combination), you are limiting your capacity to generate greater wealth.

If this is the situation you are finding yourself in, there are some things you can do to change and create different possibilities. To escape the drudgery of living pay check to pay check, and the trap of the financial hamster wheel, you first need to be aware of your points of view that have prevented you from being abundantly wealthy, and be willing to change those points of view. Without such awareness, you’ll only be applying short-term solutions. There will be no real change.

Here are four strategies to generate wealth beyond your job

1. Change your point of view about money and wealth. Generating true wealth begins with your mindset and the way you think about finance and about making money. Are you willing to see that trying to change your financial reality will be ineffective, until you change your points of view? If you don’t believe that you can generate wealth and have a thriving financial future then you won’t create it.

2. Knowing what you would like to create as your future. Everything you do creates your future. It is essential to be aware of what you would like to create as your life and your financial future. Once you know this, you will start to generate what is required to create your financial future. Ask yourself: “What are you creating? Are you happy to just work hard for your money? What do you really want to create as your future? Where do you see yourself being in 5 years’ and 10 years’ time? What would you like to achieve? By asking these questions, you will become aware of the information you require in order to achieve a thriving financial future.

3. Understand Finance. If you wish to create the wealth you desire, it is essential to educate yourself about money and finance. Educate yourself about what having money is and to be aware of your money situation. Do you have a clear picture of your personal financial position? The first thing you need to do is find out how much money you have, how much you owe, how much you spend, and how much you need to generate each month. You must know what it costs you to live the life you desire, so you can see what kind of money will be required to be generated. This is about looking at how things really are, instead of how you would like them to be.

4. Develop multiple revenue streams doing something that you love and enjoy. The people who love what they do and do it because it brings them joy are the ones who will make money at it. Please get that the energy you create from, is what creates and generates your life. So, do you know what it is that you enjoy doing the most? Become aware of the things that you are good at. It’s very important to be good at what you love to do if you would like to make money from it.

If you are interested in generating wealth then check this out

Why being financially savvy matters

Being financial savvy matters at many levels. From a wealth creation perspective, it obviously matters greatly whether or not you are able to manage your financial affairs wisely, and whether you are capable of creating and generating the life you desire.


But the benefits of being financially savvy extend well beyond just ‘being good with money'. It is also the ability to thrive in an increasingly unsettling and chaotic world, and, ultimately, to being in the generative moment of "What else is possible?".

Being financially savvy means you are in charge of your finance instead of it controlling you. The less savvy you are, the more easily you will be swept along by the forces of change and the less generative you will be in your life. People who don't have the skill to be financially savvy often go through life making poor financial decisions and will inevitably end up with a far lower standard of living than was otherwise achievable.

Being financially savvy is about more than just making good investments or knowing how to manage money well. It's just as much about the behaviors, the attitudes, habits, mindset, and outlooks you possess about money and finance that is applied to your daily life, as well as the priorities you choose to live by. 

The good news for most of us is that we can change the points of view that keep us from being financially savvy. The way to start off on the path is to make a simple choice to acquire the ability to understand how money works in the world,  how to manage and invest it with awareness.  The most important step in becoming financially savvy is to spendtime to financially educate yourself and learn to have your money make money in the way that works best for you.

Financially savvy people have capacity to tapped into limitless possibilities and endless resources of ideas.

Creating great wealth and being the master of your own finance is within your reach. It’s been done by many people before, and it is truly possible for each and every one of us if we choose to become financially savvy. But it requires us to be and do different to create a different reality. Many of us choose what feels familiar or comfortable. But if we’re choosing only what feels familiar and comfortable, and if we continue to choose the same things we have always chosen, we will continue to get the same results we have always gotten.

The quest is about expanding your awareness so that you can begin to make the changes in your reality that will allow you to create a different financial reality.  When you start taking charge of your own financial reality, you will be amazed to realize how much you have settled for. Then you will have more drive and tenacity to let go of the halfhearted, autopilot livingand reclaim your ability to live from choice and possibilities, rather than by default.

The more financially savvy you are, the more generative you become. Deny your awareness and your capacities, and they atrophy. Financially savvy people have the capacity to tapped into limitless possibilities and endless resources of ideas. Wealth and prosperity are not something that just happens to you. It is something you create.

Ability to receive sunk costs can make you more generative

If you really wish to become wealthy and prosperous, you have to be willing to acknowledge, recognise and receive the implications of sunk costs when an investment does not benefit you.


Sunk costs are costs that are irrecoverable. It’s something that you have already spent and that you won’t get back, regardless of future outcomes. It’s like that meal you ordered in the restaurant, that is far too large and you become full after eating half of it, but you are reluctant to stop eating it.  You feel compelled to eat it anyway so that it isn’t wasted.   Not finishing food that you’ve paid a lot of money for often feels like you’ve wasted money and food, and waste is something we’re told to avoid. That's the key reason why most of us put on weight.

The unwillingness to receive sunk costs is the place where you have no true choice.

Suppose you have booked a non-refundable holiday package. However, some emergency happens at your work and you simply can not go on the trip anymore. Do you regret the fact that you had already paid for the trip in advance and you can't get your money back? The point is that the money is already gone. So, could you just forget about what you paid for it? If the answer is no, then you are suffering from commitment to sunk costs.  You are trapped by the sunk cost dilemma when you are concerned with what you “paid” for something rather than what you will get out of it in the future.

Most of us fall into the sunk cost trap when we have a judgment that it is wrong and terrible to waste the time or money we have already spent, instead of cutting our losses and making a different choice that would give us the best outcome going forward.  We don't like to admit to ourselves that we have wasted money or resources on our previous choice. Admitting to ourselves that the choice we made was not rewarding is viewed as admitting failure. As a result, we tend to hang on to the choice we've made, or even invest additional resources in a futile attempt to make our initial choice seem worthwhile.

So with every point of view and judgment we have about sunk costs,  every “wrongness” that we believe, we are limiting our ability to receive abundantly and infinitely. If we are willing to lose the money that we 've already paid, we open the door to all that is possible. Sadly, most of us haven’t learned to receive sunk costs with ease. Instead, we yield to a strong psychological drive to hang on to what we’ve paid for, which then causes major stress and unhappiness in the process.

When you have no point of view or judgment about sunk costs, everything is a possibility. How much more can you receive if you hold onto nothing and allow everything to move in and out of your life with ease? Rather than figuring out how you lose, you could go into possibilities. When you have a judgment about not wanting to lose the sunk cost, ask, “What possibilities do I have here, what choices do I have?

Different possibilities can exist when you're willing to lose the money that you refuse to lose or you think you can't lose. When you have no point of view about anything, that is the place from which you can start generation - because you don’t have a point of view.  You can ask “What else is possible?”  If the investment is not working, then ask: “Do we need to change this or do we need to end this?”

The way most of us behave when we invest in the stock market is a good example of the sunk cost trap in action. As an example, let's say we buy $100,000 worth of Company X’s stock that we think will produce good profit, but within a few daysits value has dropped by 30% due to unforeseen business problems. Instead of selling the stock and putting that $70,000 into a different stock that is likely to rise in value, we tend to hold on to Company X’s stock, which in the coming months becomes worthless.  Some people will not sell a poorly performed stock that they have invested in because they don't wantto be seen as making a wrong choice. 

This unwillingness to receive sunk costs not only slows down our investment efforts, but is one which can make us waste our whole lives by sticking with something when we’d be better off cutting our losses and creating different possibilities.  When we are trying to recover our investment by holding onto it because we cannot accept it is no longer working, we will not see new possibilities to choose something that is different and more generative.

If you refuse to receive sunk costs with ease, you will hold on to what you have to try and make something occur that you know is not occurring. You will deny what you know forever to make it right that you spent the money. Just because you spent the money doesn’t mean it’s right. Do you say “It's OK, It will work out.”? You have to be willing to scrap something in a heartbeat if it’s not working no matter how much you spend. Ask “Is it working for me? No? OK. Bye!” And do it right now, not later.

Dare to Be Different

You need to be different if you want to be above the average. One characteristic particular to a vast majority of people in our society is the tendency to conform.


Many people are trapped in mediocrity because they believe that it is difficult and uncomfortable to be different, so why not just conform.

Most people have a powerful desire to fit in and a strong need to remain in good standing with the group—and they believe that they can maintain their good standing by conforming. This tendency to conform is responsible for keeping people trapped under the fiercely influential force of contextual reality.

Conformity keeps people weak and malleable, it allows them to give their power away to others.

If you study the lives of the world's most innovative people, you will find that innovation started with their willingness to be different and to never conform. Innovation cannot occur in the space of conformity.

‘Being Different’ is about being willing to go beyond everything you’ve ever thought was real. And a key step in being different is to make a choice to never conform. Begin with a choice, a simple choice that you must make. 

The time is now.

Make a choice now. ‘Being Different’ begins with the choice, not the thought or the theory but the act. You have the power and the total choice to be that at will. This is a choice you have to be willing to make. No matter what it takes, you are going down this path no matter what it looks like. You’ll find that ‘being different’ requires constant vigilance. Keep choosing to let go of the need to conform, follow your knowing and listen to your instincts. This takes some discipline, but the rewards are plenty.

Do whatever it takes to make the choice to never conform to this contextual reality and then all you’ll have to do is keep the momentum going. Celebrate yourself and revel in the fulfilment and amazing rewards that come with that new position. It takes you out of probabilities into possibilities. 

Often it becomes highly uncomfortable. Don’t stop because you feel uncomfortable. Just know you have further to go. When you start feeling uncomfortable you are almost to the point of becoming something greater than you’ve ever been. When you get totally uncomfortable, you’re on the brink – the generative edge of reality.

When you go beyond the uncomfortable place, suddenly you’re totally comfortable and everything is bigger and better than it ever was before. Also it is important to realise that being different means you might bump heads with other people. That is okay! Stop caring what people think. Don’t be so afraid to colour outside of the lines that you never pick up your crayon!

More importantly, you must not allow yourself to operate within the limitations of this reality or be bound by what is.

Who you choose to be is who you will be!

Will you choose to be as different as you truly are? Will you choose to be a conscious leader of your life? If you choose to be a conscious leader and you truly choose to live with awareness, you will have a different way of functioning and you will enjoy everything in life.


You have a choice in your life. You can create your life on autopilot mode, or you can choose to become a conscious leader of your life. It’s about how you can choose to be different and create a different reality for you.

If you choose to live on autopilot mode,  you will not be able to see beyond current realities or perceive other possibilities. You will not be aware of the choices and possibilities that are available to you. You will be the effect of life, not the creator of different possibilities. 

Who you choose to be is who you will be!

When you choose to be a conscious leader of your own life, you become the source and the catalyst that can create the reality and the future you would actually like to have. From this space, it is possible to create anything. Different possibilities can exist. Anything can be different if you are willing to choose it. 

Every moment you can choose to live on autopilot mode or choose to be a conscious leader of your life. When you choose to function from autopilot mode, you cut yourself off from your own awareness and from the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Why would you want to live in a way that automatically limits what is available to you?

In order to succeed, we must make the choice to be

Only when you are truly committed to your life can you truly become successful!


Do you have the drive to succeed? Do you have the knowledge that you need in order to do so?

Fortunately, there are many ways that you can gain the skills that are necessary in becoming a success. However, in order to truly have more success than you are currently creating, you have to be willing to be something you are not choosing at the moment. You have to be willing to be or do something different to create a different reality.

It can be so discouraging at times to know what you want to do with your life, but you are unable to know where to start. It is one of the most challenging things in life when you have a target but you do not actually have the tools that you need to see it through. 

What if you can overcome this obstacle with choice, commitment and persistence? It takes choice and commitment to achieve something great, but if you aren’t choosing to begin, then you will never end up where you want to be.  

There is a popular saying, “where there is a will, there is a way,” and that has never been more true when it comes to choosing for your success. No matter how difficult it might appear, you are going to find that once you make a commitment to succeed, there is nothing that you can’t do. As long as you are willing to take on all of the work that needs to go into succeeding at your particular activity, then you are going to be a success. 

And sure, sometimes, not every target is going to be met. There are going to be ideas that, every once in a while, might need to go on the back burner or be given up entirely. That does not make you a failure. In fact, if you are willing to stop judging yourself and continue to move forward, you would be able to step into something greater. Success and failure are both judgments. How do you know when you are a success?

There is no point at which you are not a success. There is only the judgment as to whether or not you are a success. If you have no need for success and no need for failure, what are you going to choose?

When we think of a successful person, we often picture somebody who is very confident and capable. However, we often don’t stop to think about how they got that way. If you study the lives of the world's most successful people, you will find that their success started with their willingness to be different and to never conform. Success cannot occur in the space of conformity.

Success is a constant state of being aware that there is a different possibility.

When you are willing to be the space of success, you can just have success and it shows up. It is the space of possibilities. It’s about the energy you have to be. Sadly, most people don’t recognise that there is space around success. Most people try to do success from conclusion, projection, expectation and judgment, instead of just choosing to be the energy and space of success.

Are you looking to create success from the space of possibility or from the space of conclusions projection, expectation and judgment? What if there’s a different possibility for the creation of success? And there is!

It’s functioning from the space of possibility. You are truly being from the space of possibility, when you are willing to have total choice and total possibility, with no point of view about how things should show up or what it is supposed to look like when it shows up. It’s choosing for the possibility with no point of view. The possibilities are based on the energy you can perceive, it’s an awareness throughout your body and being.. Energetics is the first element of success. What energy can you be or do that would allow you to be the space of success right away?

When you function from the space of possibility and you ask: “What’s really possible here?” a whole new world is going to open up for you.

Could your points of view about money stop you from being wealthy?

Do you have a lot of difficulties creating money and sustaining generative wealth? Well, can it be that you have negative points of view about money that are influencing how you see the world and undermine your ability to generate and sustain wealth?


Over the years, we have had many opportunities to work with a number of influential, successful, and resource-rich people. We are frequently amazed by how many of these powerful people struggle to find solutions to what they think of as their money problems. It’s obvious that they struggle not because of the actual conditions and circumstances of their lives but because of their points of view about money that are based on false assumptions, and their dysfunctional relationships with money.

Time and again, we have found that people who have points of view that are based on false assumptions tend to play out beliefs from their viewpoint about worthiness, value, and money. Many feel they are victims of money. They believe that if they can acquire more money they will become truly prosperous and their money problems would be over. Little do they know that their point of view about money is the problem. Their false assumptions create their money problems.

It's going to be tricky gaining the ability to become prosperous if your points of view about money are based on false assumptions. These can hurt you if you are inadvertently clinging to assumptions such as "That’s just the way life is. There’s no way out. There are no other choices."

The state of your finance and wealth is a direct connection of your points of view about money and your willingness to receive money.  Your points of view always determine your conditions and circumstances.  It has a profound influence on how you see the world and on the way you live your life.  If you are experiencing a limitation or difficulty in your life around anything such as money, there must be some kind of limitation and restriction in your mindset and points of view.  Very often, your own money beliefs are unconsciously ingrained since your childhood days because of the beliefs of your parents, or because of the circumstances, you have been exposed to as a child. So, what kind of money beliefs do your parents have?

Would you be willing to see that fixed points of view and rigidly held assumptions can be dangerous to your wealth?

Fixed points of view and assumptions sap your energy and undermine the quality of your life. It sabotages your joy and your ability to generate infinite wealth.  So, could the lack of prosperity in your life be due to the way you view money and resources? What if your viewpoints about money impose severe limitations on the prosperity you can experience? 

What Creativity Can Do to Your Life!

Creativity is a capacity that everyone has, yet most of us think we don't. When we see creativity as a part of our life and living, and not something only accessible to a small artistic elite, then we get to perceive and receive more of everything. We would be able to see new and different possibilities that we didn’t notice before.


Creativity is an energy.

It's a precious energy, and it's something to be cultivated. The power of creativity is a magic, and it can’t be taken for granted. If you choose to engage your creativity, who would you be? What could you create or generate that you have never been willing to create and generate?

Once you start to acknowledge your creative power and recognise the capacities you have not chosen, more possibilities will keep coming along. Making creativity a daily practice expands your awareness as well as yielding a mind and eye trained to notice choices and possibilities everywhere.

If you've ever marvelled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and cultivate it too. It just takes choice. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those who possessed potential, because the truth is, everybody has potential. So, what’s really possible here that you haven’t even considered?

Do you have any capacities you are not using? What if you have immense capacities and potencies that you are not even accessing? If you want to activate your creative power, you have to be willing to use all those capacities, no matter what.

You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to play musical instrument? It's the same with engaging your creativity. It takes deliberate choice and a bit of practice before your innate creative power comes easily when called. There is a lot possible when you choose to engage creativity into your life. What can you be or do different today to engage your creative power right away?

Don't give up your awareness to buy the rightness of other people’s points of view. Follow your knowing and the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still be living in the middle ages.

Spend time on cultivating and engaging your creativity. Have you been telling yourself a lie that you do not have creative ability in order to keep doing what isn’t working? What if you actually claim, own and acknowledge your creative power? What might you actually be that you don’t want to be? I cannot stress that enough, although, please do not mistake this tip to tell you to quit your day job entirely. Do not. Once you acknowledge your creative power you would be aware of choices you have available that you haven’t considered before. You can start using this creative power for anything. For example: you can start looking at where you can put this creative energy to create more possibilities for you and for everybody you care about.

Reclaim Your Power of Creativity.

Your creativity is probably the most important factor in the process of overcoming whatever challenges you face. A lot of people think that they have to have the right IQ, or they have to be born with certain advantages, or some sort of other excuse. They think that there's all these circumstances and factors outside of them that would explain their success or lack of it. 

And unfortunately, most of us have spent a lifetime learning to sublimate our creativity, living in our heads, and disconnected from our innate creative power. The more we focus on things outside of us, and I'm talking about our circumstances as well as the situations we find ourselves in, or the people we surround ourselves with, the more we lose sight of our creative power. In fact, it can get so bad that we might ignore the power of our creativity altogether. The good news is that creativity is an innate quality that everyone possesses, so it can never be truly lost.

If you are actually at ease with engaging your creativity, you could do and be and have and create and generate anything and everything. New and different possibilities show up when you are willing to acknowledge your creativity. If you were totally embodying your creativity, what could you create and generate? If you start engaging your creative power, what will your world be like? Could it be constantly expanding, constantly generative and fun, with no more trauma and drama?

One of the simplest ways to engage your creativity is to be childlike.

If you would like to embrace your creative power, and seeing what being creative is all about, you just need to observe a child for a few minutes. It won’t be long before you appreciate the joy and the simplicity of creativity. As Albert Einstein once said, “To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play.” 

What's important in any creative act is the process of self-expression. For children, creativity is the freest form of self-expression. Children express themselves openly and without judgment. 

One of the ways you can grow in your ability to bring creativity in your life is to spend time being a “What if and what else is possible?” space. Spending quality time wondering, dreaming and not stressed about the consequences of being wrong can be freeing. By bringing this sense of wonder and playfulness into your work, life and contribution, you can let go of some of the self-imposed limits your have placed on your own creative capacity. If you keep asking “What possibility am I aware of that I am not choosing?” and if you treat your life and work a bit more like play, you will see a growth in your ability to perform and contribute even more to the wonderful world we live in.

In order to be everything you are and have everything you would like to have, you have to start with claiming, owning and acknowledging your creative power. You have to be willing to make a demand on you. Are you willing to be and do whatever it takes? What else is possible you’ve never considered?

You don't need the most expensive set of tools to produce a masterpiece. If you look at your life and the places where you’ve succeeded, you will find that there was an energy and a space that is the way you engage with the world with your creative power.

Keep in mind that you're doing these things for your own satisfaction and not anybody else's. But soon enough they will notice, and everything should snowball from there.

Do You Believe in You?

While we all have dreams and aspirations, few of us are fully aware of our own ability to be, do, have, create and generate with ease. It can sometimes be hard to see the true gift and admirable traits in ourselves. However, believing in your own ability is a crucial part of creating the life you desire. What if the greatest obstacle to your success is your belief in yourself?


In order to achieve all you are capable of, you have to believe in the possibilities you have. It can help you to try new things, challenge yourself, and take risks that could all lead to new possibilities and success. What are you unwilling to be, that if you would be it, would change your entire reality? Thomas Edison stated, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.”

What points of view and beliefs are you using that keeps you from the possibilities you could be choosing? Your beliefs and your points of view control everything you do. Because your points of view rule your expectations, and your expectations dictate your actions. Creating different possibilities begins with a change in your beliefs.

What if you could change everything in your life that you’ve decided would create nothing, and change everything that is nothing, that could create everything? Truth. Do you really want to change it?

What if you start looking at yourself and at life as how it is? Ask yourself what you are capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities that you haven’t acknowledged? Do you often bypass what you could create by thinking that you are not capable, or it’s not possible for you?

If you are to claim, own and acknowledge those capacities and qualities, who would you be, that you are not currently choosing to be? What does it feel like? What’s your sense of it? We all have unlimited power inside us, but few people truly recognise and believe in that possibility.

Believing in your own power is an essential part of your confidence and success. If you believe you are capable of accomplishing something, you’re far more likely to actually accomplish it. Your beliefs have a profound influence on your approach to life. I urge you to open your mind to all possibilities, because whether you believe your are capable or incapable, either way you’ll be right. Once you recognise what it’s like to acknowledge your capacity, then you know you can do and be anything. If your mind is filled with doubt and distrust, you will act upon those closed minded doubts and you’ll see evidence of your beliefs all around you.

When you do not acknowledge your innate power and what is actually true for you, you diminish you. Start asking: “What am I capable of that I don’t even know I’m capable of?” That opens the door to possibilities.

The most challenging thing to be and to do is to acknowledge how extraordinary you really are, to truly believe in yourself, and then to incorporate this awareness into your attitude and personality. The truth is that you’ve been conditioned throughout your life to doubt yourself.

You’ve got to go beyond your conditions and your doubt, and ask “What are the possibilities that I have never even considered?” When you ask a question like that, you get an awareness of an energy. What if you would start every day by asking - “What have I been refusing to acknowledge about me that if I acknowledged it would allow me to actually have connection with everything in a way that has never been possible before?”

What difference would it make in your life if you had an absolutely unshakable confidence in your ability to achieve anything you really put your mind to? What possibilities do you know are available, that you’ve never allowed to exist, that you now can?

Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what you are capable of, you can list the qualities and skills that are required. This will help you stop denying what you could create. Keep the list with you, being sure to look at it whenever you feel yourself doubting your potential.

If you are going to create you as the source for creating a different financial reality, you’ve got to be willing to function at a bigger level than anybody else around you.

The Secret to Long-Term Wealth?

Creating sustainable long-term wealth is really about how to go from where we are today to where we truly want to be in the future. It's about increasing the quality of our financial future by developing the one fundamental skill that the vast majority of people have never developed: financial awareness.


The need  to be financially aware and literate is often overlooked yet an increasingly important task for all of us. We can never feel confidence about our investment portfolio as long as we lack financial awareness. Our deficiency in this capacity works at a deep level to undermine our financial well-being. This isn’t “woo-woo” stuff: it’s just how awareness works.

Very few people choose to make financial awareness their priority, and that’s why so few people succeed financially. Unfortunately, most people believe this is something we pay our broker or financial advisor to do for us. With this viewpoint, we can never be in charge of our own financial future. The good news is that it's not too late for most of us to take back ownership and begin to develop financial awareness to change our situation for the better.

In our view, financial awareness is the make-or-break ability that determines whether our financial activities will be wasted, or rewarded. If we don't understand how we will make money on investments and we can't see the risks, we certainly will not be able to create sustainable longterm wealth. Without awareness, we always put our personal finance at high risk. One of the fastest ways to lose money is to start investing our money into things we don't really understand.

Financial awareness is the appreciation and understanding of how finance and investment works in the world, and the ability to use this knowledge and skill to effectively manage financial resources efficiently at a personal-level. 

Our longterm wealth is determined by our awareness, choice, and action. With financial awareness, we know what action we need to take to have an income for life and to able to survive and thrive in any market condition.  It’s one thing to know what to do, and it’s something else entirely to get it done. That’s why the capacity to take conscious action with enough consistency and to manage money with awareness are so critical. 

Become the master of our own finance

Many of us spend our whole life doing the things that are supposed to lead us to a great life but actually lead only to more struggle, stress, and insufficiency. It’s because instead of choosing to cultivate confidence about finance and become the master of our own financial reality, we chose to operate within the limitations of this reality. We have chosen to be in agreement with everyone else about what is. We have rejected what we could have.

One of the areas most critical to creating a great life is also the area that gets the least regard. Think about that for a second. Choosing to operate within the limitation of this reality has more appeal to most of us than choosing to become the master of our own finance, and have financial freedom. How ludicrous is that? Lack of financial literacy is the one thing standing between most of us and being abundantly wealthy.  Our lack of financial literacy leads to making poor financial choices that then have negative consequences on our financial well-being.


Being the master of our own finance is about more than just making good investments. It's just as much about the behaviours, the attitudes, habits, mindset, and outlooks we possess about money that is applied to our daily life, as well as the priorities we choose to live by. 

The good news for most of us is that we can change the points of view that keep us from being the master of our own finance. The way to start off on the path is to make a simple choice to acquire the ability to understand how money works in the world,  how to manage and invest it with awareness.  The most important step in becoming the master of our own finance is to spend time to financially educate ourselves and learn to have our money make money in the way that works best for us.

Creating great wealth and being the master of our own finance is within our reach. It’s been done by many people before, and it is truly possible for each and every one of us if we choose to become prosperous and wealthy. But it requires us to be and do different to create a different reality. Many of us choose what feels familiar or comfortable. But if we’re choosing only what feels familiar and comfortable, and if we continue to choose the same things we have always chosen, we will continue to get the same results we have always gotten.


  1. The willingness to step out of our comfort zone. Start looking at what else we can create and what we can do that will create a different result. Live in the question “What can I do different that will create a different result?” This question will keep us in the forward motion of creating wealth and having financial freedom.

  2. Acknowledge what it means to become the master of our own financial reality. It is important to have a clear insight of our underlying vision, desires and priorities. We can start by asking ourselves, ‘What do I want to create as my life?’ What do I want to do in my life? How do I want to live my life? What does it mean to me to be the master of my own financial reality?’ Knowing what we would like to create will lead us to what we’re looking for. If we don’t have a clue about what we’d like our life to be, we have no idea what to choose or where to go. We don’t know where to put the energy to generate our life.  Everything we choose in our life is based on the energy we’d like our life to be.

  3. Manage money well and have clarity about our money flows. We must know how much money is coming in and how much is going out…. how much revenue we are generating and how much money we’re spending on our expenses. Create a system for tracking our daily, monthly, and yearly expenses. To become the master of our own financial reality we have to be serious about money management.

  4. Cultivate the ability to acquire multiple streams of income producing assets, as well as understand the practice of balancing and rebalancing investment portfolios.  Establishing personal investment objectives and long-term investment strategies prior to making investment decisions is the ultimate solution to achieving financial freedom. A clear investment strategy will enable us to look beyond the moment and put into perspective why we are investing in the things that we do and why we are spending our time today as we are. With clear strategy and through consistent rebalancing, we can ensure that our portfolios remain adequately diversified and proportionally allocated.

  5. Discover how to build net worth by owning income generating assets and make the money really work for us, instead of just focusing on creating cash flow. It's generative assets that produce recurring income that create real wealth, because these assets grow and revenue flows from them. One of the reasons most people don't have financial freedom is they spend all their time and energy focusing on producing cash flow. Cash flow gets us through life and allows us to just survive in this reality, but acquiring multiple income generating assets will create financial freedom and different possibilities for us. In order to build a generative net worth, we must first understand the difference between an asset and a liability as well as understand how to make tax-conscious investment decisions.

The most powerful influence: Your points of view

Your points of view are the things that ground you in your reality and are the basis upon which your life is created. They are the most powerful influence in your life. Your points of view about money may be positive or negative, conscious or unconscious or anti-conscious, turbulent or harmonious, energizing or draining etc.. Think about it for a few minutes…I invite you to reflect on what are the dominant points of view present in your life in regard to money? And more importantly, what would you like it to be?


Please reflect on how you spend a typical day in conjunction with money. What are you doing and thinking in relation to money? Are you working hard for it, spending it, worrying about not having enough of it, planning what to do with it, or avoiding thinking about it? Your perception and your points of view are you, so the more downbeat and self-defeating points of view you have about you, the less successful you will be.

So, observe … What points of view, judgments, and emotions do you have when you think of money? What is money to you? (When you think about money, what are your first thoughts?) Be honest with yourself. Be honest about what emotion you are feeling. It will do you no good to do this exercise unless you answer truthfully.

The following are negative common points of view that can tie you up in personal conflict. See if you identify with them.

  • Making money is just too difficult.

  • Money only comes from hard work.

  • Money causes fighting and unhappiness.

  • Money is in short supply.

  • Money is a big responsibility.

  • Money is filthy and dirty.

  • There is a limit to how much I can earn.

  • I just don’t like to think about money.

  • I am just not good with money.

  • I cannot handle or manage money well.

  • I do not have unique talents or abilities.

  • I cannot change my predetermined fate.

  • I’m not good enough to make money.

  • I cannot do what I love because it does not pay well.

  • I can only earn more when I put in more hours at work.

  • I need lots of money first to make more money.

  • I can’t charge that much…..I can’t charge more than my competitor.

  • I am never lucky.

  • Miracles rarely or never happen to me.

  • Only dreamers think they can get rich but I am a realist.

  • It is difficult to make money from my investments.

  • To make money, I have to have a great job with a high salary.

  • The cost of living is so high that it is impossible to keep up.

  • There is only so much of the millionaire pie to go around.

  • Life is meant to be a struggle, not a breeze.

  • It's not right to have a lot of money.

  • It’s hard to have multiple sources of income coming in, other than from my job.

  • It is best not to earn too much because I don’t want to pay more in tax

  • It is just too difficult to get ahead based on my lack of academic qualifications.

  • If only I had enough money, then I would be much happier.

It's important that you are aware of what your assumptions and definitions of money are, since you're bringing money to yourself with your conscious awareness. Have you ever had the above points of view about money?  These judgments, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the major reasons that you have unconsciously repelled money and wealth. It is critical for you to truly perceive this truth.

What did you deny the ability to create that if you didn’t buy that point of view, would create more than you could possibly imagine? 

How many points of view about the problems of money have you bought that keeps you from having everything you desire?  What are the assumptions and limiting beliefs you function from in life? These have created your financial destiny and your financial world. Are you willing to see that there is more to life, and in fact, life is easy if you choose it to be that way?

Start today by letting go of the limited points of view about money that do not serve your best interests. It’s not intelligence or lack of education that holds you back from being prosperous and wealthy, it’s the limited points of view about money that keep you struggling to survive in a world of infinite possibilities. If you want to have generative wealth, you have to be willing to destroy and uncreate your limited points of view about money.

So what is it you are not willing to let go of, absolutely unwilling to let go of, that if you let go of it, would allow you to generate so much money that nothing mattered to you?

When it comes to money, the best advice is to always look at it from choice, possibility, awareness and prosperity consciousness. Never look at money from a fear and scarcity point of view.