Strategic Awareness


From Problems to Possibilities
Masterclass-2 days

This is a true 2-day interactive Masterclass where you will explore very different ways of looking at business and leadership, unlock hidden limitations you have imposed on yourself and others, and unleash the business potential you know is possible.

Neither awareness nor strategy alone is sufficient. But when awareness meets strategy, it has the potential to change the world. 

Interactive, exciting, full of hidden gems that will explode in your awareness, this Masterclass will blow the cobwebs from what is truly possible and facilitate you to know…you can be strategically aware.

Leaders who utilize strategic awareness are unaffected by limiting belief systems
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This Masterclass is facilitated by Chutisa and Steven Bowman, two of the most prolific and respected global business advisors, and authors of the classic books "Conscious Leadership", "Prosperity Consciousness", "No More Business As Usual", and "Benevolent Leadership for a Better World: Unlocking Benevolent Capitalism". Between them, they have been CEOs of major organizations, Chairs of Boards and senior executives in multi-million dollar global corporates. They now run 7 global businesses.

Who are The2Bowmans? Click here...




Date: TBA. Contact for more information

Registration: €1250

Venue: TBA


Global Coordinator:

Lisen Bengtsson: +46 708 39 39 97
