The ANJO Forum Series
Strategic Awareness-From Problems to Possibilities
This Anjo Forum series is focused on Strategic Awareness (2 day Masterclass and 1 day VIP No More Business As Usual session) and is being held in the world renowned ANJO restaurant and venue in Sweden. Hosted by global business entrepreneurs Jonas Svensson and Nettan Wilig, this series, presented by Steven and Chutisa Bowman, will show you different possibilities and a different reality for your business, your leadership and your own life and living.
Strategic awareness is the fusion of strategic thinking and personal awareness. Strategic opportunities exist all around us, often through the information people carry with them.
Capitalizing on these opportunities requires you to be more alert and attentive to what is happening in the world around you. In doing this you are more prepared to be aware of the information you are receiving, and learn to leverage this rather than judge it.
Are you ready to
To become even more strategically savvy and aware?
To be more creative and generative as a leader?
To claim your ability to maximize possibilities?
To have confidence and ease to create the life and business you desire, to function differently and change anything?
"Strategic Awareness-From Problems to Possibilities" will unlock awareness's and capabilities that you have always known were possible, yet were not willing to embrace. Are you ready for this change?
Masterclass-2 days
Strategic Awareness- From Problems to Possibilities
This is a true 2-day Masterclass where you will explore very different ways of looking at business and leadership, unlock hidden limitations you have imposed on yourself and others, and unleash the business potential you know is possible.
Neither awareness nor strategy alone is sufficient. But when awareness meets strategy, it has the potential to change the world. Interactive, exciting, full of hidden gems that will explode in your awareness, this Masterclass will blow the cobwebs from what is truly possible and facilitate you to know…you can be strategically aware.
“Leaders who utilize strategic awareness are unaffected by limiting belief systems”
Strategic awareness extends your awareness beyond the doors of your organization, beyond the confines of your industry or service sector, beyond your current, day-to-day reality. Problems then truly become possibilities.
Bonus..On the evening of Friday 28th September, the ANJOS owners are hosting a special dinner event "Dinner with Jonas". Jonas Svensson is a global entrepreneur who travels the world creating and manipulating businesses to create even more...and he has agreed to share his love of food, wine and all things good! Meet Jonas, The2Bowmans, and join us for an unforgettable evening
This class is available in person in Helsingborg.
Date: 28-29th September
Friday & Saturday: 9.00am-5.00pm
Registration: €1250
Venue: ANJO
Bruksgatan 19
252 23 Helsingborg
Friday 28th September-Dinner with Jonas-Chefs Table €125 7.30pm
Venue: ANJO
Bruksgatan 19
252 23 Helsingborg
VIP Day-No More Business As Usual -A Deep Dive into Business and the Power of Extrapolation (Sunday 30th September)
Maximum of 10 people only
Come for a deep-dive into what it takes to be the uber-successful conscious leader and entrepreneur you truly are.
Laser sharp focus on your business issues, very personal and strategically intimate. Be prepared to destroy the limitations holding you and your leadership back. Not for the faint-hearted......
This is for you if you desire to grow and expand beyond where you are today. Imagine what it would be like if you could unlock the power of your inner conscious leader and become the catalyst for generating a reality that is far greater than the one you already have.
A down-payment of 50% is required to reserve your space.
“Strategy and awareness are each essential to create beyond this reality, however, each works in very different ways.”
Date: 30th September
Time: 1.00pm-8.00pm
Registration: €1500 (down-payment €750 to reserve your space). Food included
Venue: ANJO
Bruksgatan 19
252 23 Helsingborg
Prerequisites: none
Local Hosts:
Jonas Svensson :
Lisen Bengtsson :
This Masterclass is facilitated by Chutisa and Steven Bowman, two of the most prolific and respected global business advisors, and authors of the classic books "Conscious Leadership", "Prosperity Consciousness", "No More Business As Usual", and "Benevolent Leadership for a Better World: Unlocking Benevolent Capitalism". Between them, they have been CEOs of major organizations, Chairs of Boards and senior executives in multi-million dollar global corporates. They now run 7 global businesses.