“What are you aware of that you’re not acknowledging?”


What’s New?

We are very excited to announce the release of our new book ‘Choice For Wealth’.

Choice For Wealth is where all things become possible! This book is about how you can make this reality work for you.


What is even more exciting is that we have amped things up! 

Introducing The NEW Choice For Wealth Membership ... We have created this space for you to know that you have choice for wealth within you. If you recognise that you have choice for wealth within you, then you can use it to create whatever you desire.

This is an automatic recurring monthly membership….. offering simple, pragmatic tools that create greater awareness and possibilities for change in all areas of life, not just about money.


About The2Bowmans

Using this reality to create different possibilities!


What if you could make this reality work for you? … What if you could employ this reality, rather than be employed by it?

The2Bowmans create the space for you to dynamically increase possibilities in your life and business ….through their Masterclasses, workshops, online programs, books, articles and blogs.

Are you the sort of person who is looking for more in life and business? ….

Find out more about The2Bowmans here